60% of Mayar-e-Sagheer and 70% of Mayar-e-Kabeer must be offering 5 daily prayers regularly
90% of Atfal should have completed the Qāʻidah Yassarnal Qur’an
40% of Mayar-e-Sagheer and 70% of Mayar-e-Kabeer must be reciting the Holy Qur’an daily
40% of Mayar-e-Sagheer and 80% of Mayar-e-Kabeer must know the entire Salat in Arabic
35% of Mayar-e-Kabeer must know the entire Salat with translation
35% of the Tajneed must listen to the weekly Friday Sermon of Huzoor (aba)
60% of the Tajneed must complete the Atfal Survey
All 12 Monthly Reports must be submitted to Markaz, out of which 10 reports must be on time (Local Nazimeen, Murabbi Atfal)
At least 2 Atfal Taleem classes should be conducted every month
At least 9/12 Atfal Tarbiyyat classes must be held
100% Atfal in the majlis must participate in Atfal chanda and in collection