Murabbi Atfal

Hamid Malik

Department Naibeen

Awais Butt
Naeem Arshad
Zaheer Choudhary
Naser Noor
Mustafa Ahmed
Saad Farid Malik


Every Murabbi Atfal should work according to the Lah-e-Amal and be responsible for the performance of the Atfal. He should fullfil these responsibilities with gentleness, wisdom, and with his own example emphasize the following points:

Department Goals

  • To inculcate the performing of the Salat five times a day and to be responsible for their attendance in Mosque or Salat Centers.
  • To be responsible for the religious education, secular education, and training the Atfal.
  • They should ensure that there is no Tifl who does not know how to read the Arabic of the Holy Quran. After learning the Nazira, Atfal need to be taught the translation of the Holy Quran.
  • To upkeep the Tarbiyyat of the Atfal alongside the Nazim Atfal.
  • To connect with the parents of the Atfal in the Majilis.